modernistki 2048 01


Zabolotny State Scientific Library of Architecture and Construction,

Kyiv, 50 Peremohy Ave. (Shuliavska metro station)

Work languages:

English, Ukrainian, Russian


September 15-16, 2017

Applications accepted:

until August 15, 2017


We are inviting: male and female experts in the fields of architecture, art, anthropology, sociology, architecture, and culture; civil activists; representatives of municipalities working with architecture, urbanism, and urban planning; master degree and PhD students; independent researchers interested in presenting their scientific papers at the conference and publishing them thereafter.

The structure of the conference:

C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.gifDuring the conference three thematic panels will be organized: «Female Architects and Power», «Theoretical feminist categories in respect of the city», «Architectural environment and violence». Also, the participants will have a possibility to attend a training session - «The Development of Sisterhood Culture in the Community of Hands-On Female Architects», and a workshop for hands-on female architects - «Inclusive and gender-sensitive urban design»

Panel 1:

Female architects and power

The organizers of the conference think that the co-existence of feminism and architecture covered a major part of the last century, lasts now, and is far from its end. The transformation of ethical regulations and responsibilities initiated by sociocultural changes in the societies, as well as changing political and socioeconomic conditions affected the woman’s role in the architectural profession. Apart from researching the creative career of female architects, we will bring up

a point about how their professional activity affected their work results, projects, architectural and urban objects. Did the female architects from Ukraine and the whole world reflect the social changes and achievements of feminist and human rights movements in their professional activities? The task of the first panel is to consider the woman’s role in the fight for power, and as a representative of the architectural professional hierarchy in the context of different waves of feminism.

Panel 2:

Theoretical feminist categories in respect of the city

At the second panel of the conference we will consider the theoretical basis of such categories as power, acquisition, ownership, resources, violence, trauma, discrimination, privileges in the context of cities. The urban spaces produced by the patriarchic system result in hierarchical structures and, as a result, encourage discrimination and violence.

The task of the second panel is to analyze the problems of architecture, urban space and municipal politics by applying the theoretical feminist categories.

Panel 3:

Architectural environment and violence

At the third panel the attendees will explore practical examples to discuss practical and methodological matters of the architectural activities related to the phenomenon of violence in the cities. The participants will talk about the ways of identifying, monitoring, and reacting against the violence, discrimination, and violations of human rights in the cities. Daily interactions of women and other

discriminated groups with the urban space continue causing many problems related with comfort, security and sensitive feeling, even in the developed countries. The purpose of the third panel is to explore the existing cases demonstrating, in Ukraine and all over the world, the negative aspects of the urban space related to the violence. We will also share the positive experience in resolving such problems and reacting against the violence by means of architecture and urban planning.


The Development of Sisterhood Culture in the Community of Hands-On Female Architects

We will invite 10 female architects from different Ukrainian cities who will learn more about the professional gender inequality issues encountered by women working with architecture. The purpose of the training is to foster the understanding of how important the mutual support among female architects is. Other goals of the training include stimulating the mentorship among different generations of female architects; raising the awareness about the working women’s rights, government-ensured social safety nets, and employers’ duties; exploring the experience of foreign

architectural practices in the context of gender equality.


Inclusive and gender-sensitive urban design

At the workshop we will present the ideas and experiences in resolving the spatial discrimination and violence issues in the urban space using Austria’s examples. The workshop tutors will attempt to analyze, together with the participants, specific cases and find out how gender issues and inclusion are implemented in the architectural and urban planning processes, and how they affect the design methods using cross-disciplinary approaches. The purpose of the workshop is to explore the international experience in applying the inclusion- and gender-sensitive approach to the formation of the urban spaces and architecture. The results of the workshop will be presented to the conference attendees in the end of the second day.

Participation Conditions

You can take part in the conference free of charge. In order to attend one of the panels please submit the theses of your research (up to 500 words) and a short CV.

In order to attend the training and/or the workshop for hands-on female architects, civil activists, representatives of municipalities working with architecture, urbanism, and urban planning, please submit a short CV and a motivation letter (up to 500 words explaining why you want to attend the training and/or the workshop). The mentioned materials should be sent our email address: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам необхідно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. before August 15, 2017.


The conference is organized by

the NGO Urban Forms Center and supported by the Heinrich Boell Foundation’s Office in Ukraine,

Center for Urban History of East Central Europe,

and Zabolotny State Scientific Library of Architecture and Construction.


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